Friday, February 27, 2009

A Letter to the President

I have never done this before, writing to the president of the United States and I thought I would share it with you.


Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: Ethics
I certainly hope that this is the dawn of a government of integrity and ethical conduct. One that can rise above the ashes of the former administration and shine in the light of day and show the word that we are the leader that we say we are. One that can be compassionate to the weak and show, but not use indiscriminately our strength.

A couple of quotes that I hold dear follow;
Albert Einstein
" The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."

" The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

I know that your office is inundated with many thoughts and wishes and this is but a grain of sand in the mix of e-mails that have been sent, but I felt compelled to write for the first time. It all starts at the top with the selection of the ones who will carry out your agenda to repair and rebuild this great country and take it to higher heights than ever before imagined. This country has been lost in the darkness of despair, shown to be a paper tiger to the world. We need to again be proud to be Americans, not to feel the need to apologize for being a citizen.
Thank you for your time.

Thank you for reading this email.


Anonymous said...

I like the part about not apologizing to be a citizen. This is what's become of America, and we need to regain our pride.

Anonymous said...

Hi RJ,
Can you tell me when you started apologizing for being a citizen of The United States of America? Can you tell me when you lost your pride for America? I have never felt anything but pure proud and tremendous appreciation for the honor of calling myself an American. Thinking back on history, there were events that tested the depth of my loyalty to this great nation. I wonder if any of these events were what caused you to falter. For example, was it the time our President did nothing of consequence in response to a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center or was it our President's cowardly retreat from that scary Somali war lord? No? Perhaps, the 1995 bombing of our military personnel in Saudi Arabia or the even more egregious 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers, also in Saudi Arabia, both of which went unanswered by our President? No? Was it the orchestrated bombings of our US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania, which, now that I think of it, also went unanswered? Still, no? Well, then, it MUST be the bombing of the USS Cole, you know, the one where the suspects trials were halted to satisfy political backers? No? Wow, I am truly stumped. Wait a minute, was it when our President LIED UNDER OATH and debated the meaning of the word "is"? Still, no? This is perplexing because each of these incidents took me to the depths of my American soul and in each case I found the resolve to remain a proud American despite the severe shortcomings of my President. If you didn't lose your pride during eight years of an administration that allowed more then a half a dozen attacks on US soil and US interests around the world, then I don't know what it could have been. I can't imagine that it was when our President did everything necessary to keep us safe for 7 years 4 months and 9 days. That would be crazy. I just cannot figure it out. Perhaps you could explain it to me like I'm 5 or you could just delete this post and no one will ever know.
Your fellow proud American,

raydenzel1 said...

The downfall of this country started when the Supreme Court trumped states rights and gave the election to George Bush that he did not earn. We did not have a deficit at the time of the election. We do now. By the way, every budget submitted by Bush did not include the cost of war. It does now.


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