Sunday, September 6, 2009

Post 200, a small milestone for this blogger!

what have I learned in the short time I have done this? Making money at this would be a fluke. Interesting stories can be found somewhere else. The Internet is insatiable, a powerful mistress that wants more all the time, but isn't sure what it wants.

I wanted to save the world, I wanted to be a voice in politics, the environment, and whatever else popped up into my mind. My opinion counted in a very small way and not enough to make an impact. I saw people making money blogging by selling to other bloggers trying to find the holy grail, $$$$, and coming up short. But I knew I could write. But how, and on what?

Then one day, I took a chance and wrote a poem. Not in the classic style, but the words were good, the feelings came across, and I was told it was good.

That gave me confidence and a new found direction. People started showing up and some left comments, some, poets themselves, and made me feel good. Imagine me, a poet! So much for my macho image!

Once I decide on a subject, the words seem to flow out on their own. But how or why, I haven't a clue, but it works. Some days, I have an endless list to pick from. Other days, what will I write about today?

I have been blessed with nice people stopping by to say hi, some peek in and go on, some stay awhile. I used to have ads , I pulled them. I decided to keep it as clean as possible with a tidbit of information added to the mix.

Some people use this time to pick out a few posts that they liked, but I won't do that, you have done that for me.

I have made new friends, and that has been enough reward for me.

I look forward to post 300 and to look back once again.

Thanks for stopping by. Sniffles....


linda said...

Keep on blogging RJ. It is the refuge for so many people who need to say something, record something. 200 posts. Already!

raydenzel1 said...

Well, I hope I don't bore anyone, because I am not stopping no matter how much money is offered.
How much?


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