Friday, December 4, 2009

Death of a Lawnmower

never loved
the small metal beast
price was the object
when purchased

gas guzzling
noisy one
pushing and pulling
difficult task
when grass is high

inadequate in size
for the task in hand
in the hot Florida son

gasping today
when starting the journey
sputtering and coughing
blade damaged and dull
engine sighing
enough it said

with a gleam
in my eye
I shut it down
dragging it behind
scrapheap time

rain started to fall
a fitting way
to end the day
something shiny
and new
to the rescue

a call went out
replace it we must
scour the stores
currycomb the countrysides

what will it be
what will it be



The Topiary Cow said...

Topiary recommends: Lawn Service.

At $5000 for a decent riding mower, not to mention regular repairs and maintenance, it is easier and may be just as cost effective to pay some guy with his own truck and mower to come and do it (as well as bringing the weed-whacker guy with him).

Un-mowing moo!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

raydenzel1 said...

Thanks for stopping by.

RJ is still a hands on guy, and likes to do things himself. I will mow until the cows come home!

linda said...

Oh, I do like lawn mowers. Did you get a nice new one? My brother has a lovely red ride on mower and loves it. Mowing the lawn is so much better than laundry.

raydenzel1 said...

Budgets being what they are, I am not getting a riding mower at this time, but one that is self propelled. At least no pushing this time!


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