Friday, May 20, 2011

Google Me And What? Anything?

I guess I can hide in the land of Google. Ok, Not completely but close enough. One of the reasons is my last name is the same as the first name of Denzel Washington. Thousands and thousands of lists for him.

Where am I?

I put in Raymond Denzel. Ah ha, Facebook!
Now we have it. I click on and ...heh, that's not me!

WTF, where oh where am I?

Finally, I did find my name for a review for a book I had once read.

And I found my name because of this blog. and my guest poetry spot.

raymond j denzel
ray j denzel

I guess I am not that important on the world search scale

that's it! I must be really boring and unimportant.

Maybe that is a good thing.

beer time



linda said...

Welcome to the world of Mr Nobody! Or, in my case, Mrs Nobody.

One thing for sure, you are not alone in Nobody world.

raydenzel1 said...


We could start or own social network of nobody's. It reminds me of a line from Groucho Marx who said " I wouldn't want to join a club that would have me as a member".


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