Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Drug Therapy On TV

A commercial comes on. It is for the latest wonder drug. It can cure this or it can cure that.  A sad looking woman, looking lost, wanting to be happy, enjoy her family once more.
She is depressed or has a breathing problem or weighs too much or something.

Then another voice comes on to let you know that this same woman who is now smiling and hugging people could just as soon die from the very drugs that are used  to save her. The list is long and scary.

The bad things have already happened to some people who were in the test group that was used to get the ok from the FDA for the drug companies to sell and manufacture the newest miracle cure.

But people don't pay attention to the disclaimers. They wander in to the doctors office and want the new wonder drug. They don't know what it is for, but a friend of a friend told them...

A drug for something you think you have.  You have a problem. But you don't know what caused it. Or the drug can cause worse problems.

I am not saying that all drugs are bad, just to be careful out there.

We need you. I need you. We want you to smile again.

Ignore the "as sold on TV" ad.



Travel & Dive Girl said...

Those disclaimers scare the hell out of me. I can never understand the risks outweighing the benefits.

raydenzel1 said...

Many people are desperate and want a quick fix. It takes hard work and understanding to right a wrong. Sometimes there is no choice at least for awhile. I am not trying to be hard on people who .need their meds, just to be careful out there.

linda said...

There is always a down side to any drugs (legal or otherwise). A lot of drugs would become obsolete with lifestyle changes.

raydenzel1 said...

There is always a root cause of many problems. Some take many years to manifest themselves and rear their ugly heads. I am working on a few right now.

Vegas Linda Lou said...

I agree with Dive Girl--those disclaimers are pretty damn scary. The thing is, if you ever ask your doctor about them as he's scribbling away on his prescription pad, he'll wave a hand in your direction and totally dismiss your concerns. Game over. As health care consumers, we practically have to push ourselves into bitchiness to be proactive in our care. It's certainly no time to be timid and complacent.


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