Saturday, August 20, 2011

R J Why No Self Portrait?

Self consciousness I guess. Many people are told that they are photogenic all their lives. I have never been told that. Or that I am handsome. Actually, online, I have been told that twice! I was rather surprised and happy with that.

But when it comes to a picture, I only see flaws. But I feel I must try at least once to see how it works out.
Other artists I have talked with say it is part of the process of learning.

So I will draw it this week. From this picture, and I will try not to tear up the paper in disgust.

Now if I can erase that second chin!




Jamie said...

We never like how we look. Or at least, I don't know anyone that is in love with their own image, but I suppose there are people that are. I would think that it would be very hard to draw your own self...

but you certainly have the talent. And the looks.

Have a wonderful weekend. :)

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

Yo nutbar! Will you erase my second chin? You're a very nice looking guy.Good luck with your portrait!
(BTW, I WAS having a very bad hair day the night of the ball cap...I wasn't supposed to go out and my friends dragged me out. Hence, ball cap. And Secondly, I just got reader glasses. I agree, I really like the way most people look in glasses)

raydenzel1 said...


thank you for the nice words, I will do my best with my humble self!

I think nutbar is a term of affection! Hmm, a woman wearing reading glasses, a future drawing. See, I was right on the ball cap!

p.s. I wasn't fishing for compliments. Nice to get them though.


Josie said...

Hubba hubba.

raydenzel1 said...


flattery will get you everywhere!


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