Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are You Middle Aged Already?

According to the United Nations
( Click on the title for the link )

Average age for people in the United States is 78.

Men live to be 75.

Women live to be 80.

So the average middle age is 

yep, by 40, you are middle aged.

A sobering thought isn't it?

And you thought middle age was
50 ?

Yea, if you live to 100!

and now ancient Ray
will lie down and take a nap.




Josie said...

Wow, you just called me middle aged! Ugh, now that I think about it, I've been middle aged for 5 years. Wish I was taking a nap!

raydenzel1 said...


You know what to do don't you?

deny deny deny!!

klahanie said...

Oh yikes, I thought middle age was 58 and I was going to live to 116 :)

linda said...

I intend to live to 100 so have not yet reached middle age........

2.5 years to go.

raydenzel1 said...


We are in the same boat. I hope we are successful!


Gosh, you are young! I am sure you will hit your mark!!

debadee said...

Yaaay, I'm 38 & 10 months old.... I think when you start to smell middle aged you need to start worrying...moth balls and cats p!ss ! Oh and my other half is a mere 34 but has a raging toothache and feels 179 and feels also, that he might actually die tonight.

raydenzel1 said...


My, you are young too!I plan to prevent that smell by not having cats and not buying mothballs. And marrying a younger guy, smart move! lol


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