Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hey, I wore that stuff out okay!

You will watch on TV or read somewhere that the toys you played with or the comics books you read are worth a gazillion dollars in mint condition and any grown up will say "oh man I had that!"

They are totally missing the point. I bought those toys to play with. I read the comic books until the pages fell apart. They were meant to enjoy, not collect. Someone that collects never enjoyed. And that is the whole point of having fun isn't it?


now it is a time for a collectible beer

damn it, I drank it! lol



klahanie said...

Hey Ray,

You make a good point. And with that I shall check out my Etch-a-Sketch and play with my Slinky. Hmmm...that doesn't sound right :)

Now then, you go find another collectable beer. The legendary Canadian "Moose Head" beer, perhaps, eh!

middle child said...

I know! I know!
Billy Beer, right?

Joanne Noragon said...

I went shopping with two young friends who were making a sweep of "vintage" shops. It was my mom's stuff, the same plates I set on the table every night. I didn't miss it when I left home and then it disappeared.

raydenzel1 said...

like a slinky on an escalator!
moose head beer is great!

sadly? gladly? never had that beer.

ha ha if you get old enough everything is vintage!


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